" Mosaico Del Sole: April 2016 Diese Webseite finden Sie künftig unter der Adresse: http://mosaico-del-sole.com Sie werden automatisch weitergeleitet.

Donnerstag, 7. April 2016

Mosaic snail

Snails and their shells have always been fascinating to me.
That´s also the reason why I decided to create this piece.

Mittwoch, 6. April 2016


Here you can see my very first piece!
The sun as a center piece appears in different variations.

Mosaic chair "skull"

For a long time I wanted to make a skull out of glass.
As soon as I got an old chair I knew the time had come to finally start the project. . .

I first started to draw a sketch . . .

. . .and afterwards I started with the Mosaic

This is how it looks like now!

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